Wondering what all the hype is about?

I was a total skeptic. True story. When I first heard about essential oils, I thought it was just another gimmicky product or MLM scheme. 

It wasn't until I got married, and my husband and I were having a difficult time sleeping that I decided to try using Lavender essential oil to help me rest more soundly. That first night I slept like a baby, and thought maybe it was coincidence. Then the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 400th nights I still slept great. Somewhere along the way, I became a huge believer in the benefits and effectiveness of using essential oils. We now use them daily, and for everything you can image. We love our oils, we swear by them, and I guarantee if you give them a fair chance, you will as well!

In a nutshell, essential oils are the lifeblood of a plant and were natures first medicine. Essential oils can support every system in your body. Does your digestive system need support? There's an oil for that. Do your achy joints need some stabilizing help? There's an oil for that! Do you get crazy irritated, grouchy, and feeling like there are knives in your abdomen during "that time" of month? There are a FEW oils for that! Truly, essential oils can support our bodies natural functions to help keep us above the wellness line and healthy all year round!

1- What are Essential oils?

2- Why Young Living?

3- But how do I use them?

4- Where can I buy them?

Young Living has been around since 2002 and is the leading essential oil distributor in the industry. They have set the standard for ethical practices, and safe practices in growing, harvesting, distilling and bottling their oils. They are one of the only companies that are approved to ingest, because most companies add fillers and chemicals to their oils. Trust me, after a lot of research, I realized that Young Living is the absolute BEST essential oils company.

So glad you asked, because this is actually really important! When you purchase a kit through me, you'll automatically be added to my weekly newsletter list which highlights ways to use your kit. but even better? I created a 30-day email series that goes over every aspect of essential oils. If you read those emails every day, you'll pretty much be an expert by the end of the 30 days!

You can get your starter kit by clicking the button below. It will lead you to another page with instructions on how to get your kit, and at the bottom of THAT page is the link to get your starter kit. I'm SO excited for you to start using oils! 

Information on getting a starter kit